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Chapter 5 - miAssets

miAssets are the cornerstone of Mitosis EOL. These tokenized representations of deposited assets enable Liquidity Providers to passively earn yields from underlying assets across multi-chain DeFi environments. By holding miAssets, LPs gain exposure to diverse yield sources without the need for manual capital deployment, effectively mitigating liquidity fragmentation. This innovative approach allows LPs to benefit from the collective management of assets through Mitosis Vault strategies, which optimally allocate capital across various yield-generating opportunities in the multi-chain DeFi landscape.

EOL & miAssets

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Ecosystem-Owned Liquidity (EOL) is the collective pool of assets managed by the Mitosis Ecosystem through its network of Mitosis Vaults. These vaults are sophisticated smart contracts deployed across multiple blockchain networks, enabling LPs to seamlessly deposit their assets into the ecosystem. Upon deposit, LPs receive miAssets at a 1:1 ratio relative to their original assets. This mechanism not only preserves the value of LP contributions but also serves as the foundation for their participation in the broader Mitosis ecosystem, allowing for efficient cross-chain liquidity management and yield optimization.

EOL & Mitosis Vaults

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All participants in the Mitosis Ecosystem can engage in Governance to influence EOL allocation across various reward opportunities. LPs cast votes proportional to their miAsset holdings. Accepted proposals are implemented by the Mitosis Team, with the Mitosis Vault distributing the resulting yield to miAsset holders.

Mitosis LPs: Key Players in the Ecosystem

Mitosis LPs play a central role in the ecosystem, leveraging their miAssets to:

  • Actively participate in Asset Allocation Governance, optimizing EOL yield through the three-phase process of Proposal, Discussion, and Voting.
  • Benefit from multi-network rewards accumulated in Mitosis Vaults, with yield distributed based on miAsset holdings.
  • Utilize miAssets across various DeFi applications, including those within the Mitosis Ecosystem, enhancing overall capital efficiency.

This structure empowers LPs to be both beneficiaries and decision-makers, ensuring that the collective wisdom of the community drives the ecosystem's growth and performance across multiple blockchain networks.